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Name of College

As a future agriculture and natural resources student, you will be supported by faculty mentors and professional academic advisors as you navigate your program and goals. Our average student-to-faculty ratio in these programs is 12 to 1, so you’ll receive close instruction from caring professors invested in your achievements. 

Not only will you gain valuable knowledge inside the classroom, you’ll also have the opportunity to take part in experiential learning at UT. Students in food science, for example, spend hours in the lab learning the qualities and composition of food. Vols can also work at the UT Creamery where they’re taught about ice cream production, manufacturing, and more!  

Students in this study area often get to participate in competitions and attend conferences depending on their programs and involvement. One of our environmental soil science students placed third at the 2023 National Collegiate Soils Contest. UT’s Livestock Judging team not only traveled to 20 states to compete and train, they also placed High Team Overall, High Team Sheep Overall, second in High Team Swine Overall, and fifth High Team Cattle Overall at the All-East Judging Competition.  

Research opportunities

As an R1 research institute, Volunteers have abundant opportunities to get involved in research. Undergraduate students can enroll in research courses dedicated to a topic in almost every program, and graduate students have the opportunity to conduct research alongside specialized staff and 650 PhD faculty. 

Vols have also been known to earn prestigious research grants and fellowships. Students have received the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grant and the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship. And they have been chosen for the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research Fellows Program, to name a few.

Agriculture and natural resources internships

For students studying agriculture and natural resources, no two internships are the same. You may gain real-world experience with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Or perhaps you’ll intern with a Smith Center partner, Zamura Holding Company, in Rwanda where you might work on projects that convert waste to fuel. Maybe you’ll get to learn about international agricultural trade from experts through an internship with the UN World Food Programme.

UT’s Institute of Agriculture is positioned as the go-to organization for global engagement in the agricultural-related sciences among U.S. land-grant institutions. Through the Smith Center for International Sustainable Agriculture, students have the chance to be global change agents. Maybe you’ll volunteer with Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) and travel to Cambodia to implement improved methods for producing clean planting material or share knowledge about soil management.

All Vols have the opportunity to study abroad. Students have gone to places like Argentina where they’ve learned about farming models and horticultural markets; Mexico where they’ve focused on coffee production and received related training; and Belize where they participated in a variety of programs and research projects with focuses like agroforestry, small animal veterinary medicine, and wildlife and fisheries.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dui a aliquet egestas.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dui a aliquet egestas.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dui a aliquet egestas.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dui a aliquet egestas. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra

Person Name
Name of College

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dui a aliquet egestas. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dui a aliquet egestas. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra

Person Name



Person Name



Person Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dui a aliquet egestas.

Person Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dui a aliquet egestas.

Content cards

AI 101 – Introduction to the World of AI

This course introduces the foundational concepts, techniques, and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) relevant for all disciplines – especially across non-computer science fields. Explore the history and current scope of AI, data sources and tools, and fundamental components of AI solutions and gain experience through hands-on activities using no-code AI platforms.

AI 102 – Natural Language-Based Programming Techniques

Explore the dynamic world of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and its intersection with programming. Learn to manipulate, analyze, and interpret human language through computational methods. Learn about basic string processing, text normalization techniques, and delve into tokenization, stemming, and lemmatization.

CYBR 101 – Introduction to Cybersecurity Concepts

Develop a broad overview of cybersecurity concepts, including the nature of cyber attacks and the identification and mitigation of attacks from the perspective of applications in real-world scenarios and sectors. Discuss ethics, privacy, and the governance and policy around cybersecurity as well as terminology, approaches, and underlying technologies used in cybersecurity.

AI 101 – Introduction to the World of AI

This course introduces the foundational concepts, techniques, and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) relevant for all disciplines – especially across non-computer science fields. Explore the history and current scope of AI, data sources and tools, and fundamental components of AI solutions and gain experience through hands-on activities using no-code AI platforms.

AI 102 – Natural Language-Based Programming Techniques

Explore the dynamic world of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and its intersection with programming. Learn to manipulate, analyze, and interpret human language through computational methods. Learn about basic string processing, text normalization techniques, and delve into tokenization, stemming, and lemmatization.

CYBR 101 – Introduction to Cybersecurity Concepts

Develop a broad overview of cybersecurity concepts, including the nature of cyber attacks and the identification and mitigation of attacks from the perspective of applications in real-world scenarios and sectors. Discuss ethics, privacy, and the governance and policy around cybersecurity as well as terminology, approaches, and underlying technologies used in cybersecurity.

Contact Single

AI 101 – Introduction to the World of AI

This course introduces the foundational concepts, techniques, and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) relevant for all disciplines – especially across non-computer science fields. Explore the history and current scope of AI, data sources and tools, and fundamental components of AI solutions and gain experience through hands-on activities using no-code AI platforms.


AI 101 – Introduction to the World of AI

This course introduces the foundational concepts, techniques, and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) relevant for all disciplines – especially across non-computer science fields. Explore the history and current scope of AI, data sources and tools, and fundamental components of AI solutions and gain experience through hands-on activities using no-code AI platforms.

AI 102 – Natural Language-Based Programming Techniques

Explore the dynamic world of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and its intersection with programming. Learn to manipulate, analyze, and interpret human language through computational methods. Learn about basic string processing, text normalization techniques, and delve into tokenization, stemming, and lemmatization.

CYBR 101 – Introduction to Cybersecurity Concepts

Develop a broad overview of cybersecurity concepts, including the nature of cyber attacks and the identification and mitigation of attacks from the perspective of applications in real-world scenarios and sectors. Discuss ethics, privacy, and the governance and policy around cybersecurity as well as terminology, approaches, and underlying technologies used in cybersecurity.

AI 101 – Introduction to the World of AI

This course introduces the foundational concepts, techniques, and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) relevant for all disciplines – especially across non-computer science fields. Explore the history and current scope of AI, data sources and tools, and fundamental components of AI solutions and gain experience through hands-on activities using no-code AI platforms.

AI 101 – Introduction to the World of AI

This course introduces the foundational concepts, techniques, and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) relevant for all disciplines – especially across non-computer science fields. Explore the history and current scope of AI, data sources and tools, and fundamental components of AI solutions and gain experience through hands-on activities using no-code AI platforms.

AI 101 – Introduction to the World of AI

This course introduces the foundational concepts, techniques, and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) relevant for all disciplines – especially across non-computer science fields. Explore the history and current scope of AI, data sources and tools, and fundamental components of AI solutions and gain experience through hands-on activities using no-code AI platforms.