
  • Happy Holidays from CCI

      Happy Holidays from CCI Dean Joe Mazer and his family, Chrissy, Claire and Owen.

  • SIS Grad Student Songhee Kim Becomes CCI’s UX Lab Manager and Graphic Designer

    At her heart, Songhee Kim is an artist, and she’s found ways to incorporate that into her career path over the years. She earned an undergraduate degree in 3D animation and visual effects from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, and went on to work for projects such as Disney Junior’s “Sophia the…

  • Rob Heller Presents at UT Mic/Nite

    Twice a year, the Office of the Provost hosts Mic/Nite, a “Pecha-Kucha Powered” social gathering designed to enhance the intellectual, interdisciplinary, and cultural life of the faculty and staff at UT Knoxville. On November 4, Journalism and Electronic Media professor Rob Heller spoke on the art of the ampersand. His presentation can be viewed below.…

  • CCI Announces New Director of the School of Communication Studies

    Dr. Jon Hess has been named the next director of the School of Communication Studies at the College of Communication and Information, effective July 1, 2022. Hess currently serves as associate dean for faculty scholarship, internationalization, and inclusive excellence in the College of Arts and Sciences and professor in the Department of Communication at the…

  • CCI Professor Sam Swan Retires after 37 Years of Impacting Students, and the World

    “My goal here was to provide opportunities for students to have professional experiences so they could gain the confidence to pursue their dreams,” said Professor Sam Swan, as he explained why Dean Don Hileman hired him 37 years ago to build the Department of Broadcasting at what was then the College of Communications at the…

  • ESPN Writer and Sports Broadcasting Alum Ryan McGee Visits WUTK

    The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Homecoming Game weekend took on a personal note for alumnus Ryan McGee (’93), who returned to a place that was like home to him during his time as a student at the College of Communication and Information: WUTK studios. “It’s awesome, the great thing about being back at the radio…

  • 2021 CCI Scholarship and Awards Banquet

    2021 CCI Faculty Awards Faculty Teaching Award: Derrick Holland, ADPR Faculty Research Award: Vandana Singh, SIS Faculty Service/Outreach Award: Eric Haley, ADPR Non-Tenure Track Faculty Teaching Award: Melanie Faizer, JEM Part-Time Lecturer Teaching Award: Phil Kaplan, JEM 2021 CCI Staff Awards Volunteer Spirit Award: Clint Elmore, JEM Big Orange Award: Margaret Taylor, CCI Dean’s Office…

  • Denton, Lyle Honored at Annual Alumni Awards Gala

    College of Communication and Information alumni James T. Denton (’86) and Courtney Lyle (’12) were among the 23 Volunteers honored at the annual University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Alumni Awards Gala on Sept. 10 in the Student Union’s Pilot Company Ballroom. Denton, known for his role as Mike Delfino in hit ABC series Desperate Housewives, received…

  • CCI Faculty, Graduate Students Present at 2021 AEJMC Conference

    Faculty and graduate students from the College of Communication and Information presented eight research papers and a poster at the 2021 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) annual conference. Twelve CCI faculty from the School of Advertising and Public Relations and the School of Journalism and Electronic Media served as panelists, moderators,…

  • Harrison Explores Challenges of Female Sportscasters in New Book

    Journalism and Electronic Media Assistant Professor Guy Harrison recently published his first scholarly book, On the Sidelines, which explores the systemic sexism and racism that female sportscasters face in the workplace and that gendered neoliberalism maintains this status quo. Read the book summary below followed by a Q&A with Harrison about the book’s research process…