Featured Story

  • Professors Teach Stress Reduction to Hospital Students, Employees

    Working in the medical field can be stressful even in the best of times, but the COVID-19 pandemic has many medical professionals feeling overwhelmed. To counteract this, professors Joan Rentsch of the College of Communication and Information and David Patterson of the College of Social Work are leading weekly sessions in mindfulness-based stress reduction with…

  • JEM Students Move Weekly Show Online

    When spring semester classes moved online after spring break, School of Journalism and Electronic Media lecturer Melissa Greene-Blye was not sure about the future of UT Today. The student-led weekly TV news program is produced by Greene-Blye’s advanced multimedia reporting class. From on-camera roles to operating the teleprompter, the course gives students who want to…

  • Haley, White Named DeForrest Jackson Professors

    Professors Eric Haley and Candace White are the next recipients of the School of Advertising and Public Relations’ DeForrest Jackson Professorship. The professorship is held by tenured faculty members in the school on a three-year rotating basis. Haley and White will hold the professorship from August 1, 2020 to July 31,2023. They succeed Mariea Hoy, who…

  • Ask Alumni: Making the Most of Telecommuting

    With many professional communicators now working from home because of COVID-19, we asked CCI alumni for their advice on making the most of telecommuting.  For the most updated campus information related to the coronavirus as well as resources for students, faculty, and staff, please visit utk.edu/coronavirus.  Wendy Bishop JEM, 1995 Copywriter/Editor, Jewelry Television Have set…

  • Geidner: ‘Goodnight with Dolly’ Off to Great Start

    With Dolly Parton’s new 10-week bedtime-story series Goodnight with Dolly under way, the honorary UT alumna is doing her part to comfort kids all over the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s according to Associate Professor of Journalism and Electronic Media Nick Geidner, who produced and directed the documentary film The Library That Dolly Built.…

  • Dolly Parton to Read Bedtime Stories, UT Film Premiere Rescheduled

    As the COVID-19 lockdown has millions staying at home, country music legend Dolly Parton will help kids get ready to sleep by reading them a children’s book online at bedtime. The series, Goodnight with Dolly, will air once a week beginning April 2. The project is a response to the delayed premiere of The Library…

  • Peyton Manning Surprises CMST Students in Online Class

    University of Tennessee, Knoxville, students received a big surprise today when Peyton Manning dropped in on John Haas’ Communication Studies Senior Capstone class. [su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/19yUO1Vgqac”] “I realize this a unique time and probably not the ideal way you guys expected to spend your senior year,” Manning said. “I just encourage you to keep a positive…

  • 2020 CCI Research Symposium

    The College of Communication & Information held its 42nd annual Research Symposium on March 2 in Patrick Auditorium and Scripps Lab Theater, highlighting research work from CCI graduate and undergraduate students and faculty. This year’s symposium included research posters and presentations by graduate students, undergraduate seniors, faculty, and college researchers. This year’s event included a…

  • CCI 50th Anniversary: My Proudest Moment – Part II

    To celebrate the College of Communication and Information’s 50th anniversary, we asked our alumni about their proudest accomplishments. Before beginning professional careers, they learned to deliver speeches, meet deadlines, and tell stories about the Knoxville campus and beyond.  [button link=”/2020/03/16/cci-50th-anniversary-my-proudest-moment-part-i” color=summitt]Read My Proudest Moment – Part I[/button] Sandra Frost Dickerson  JEM, 1969 I graduated in…

  • John Jackson Miller: From Daily Beacon Editor to Star Fantasy Writer

    After graduating from the University of Tennessee where he served as editor of The Daily Beacon, John Jackson Miller (JEM ’90) set his sights on the stars.  Specifically, the stars in a galaxy far, far away and the ones in the far-flung future where no man has gone before. Miller turned his lifelong passion for…