2019 CCI Commencement Highlights

commencement-spring-2019UT Interim Chancellor Wayne T. Davis conferred degrees on 257 CCI spring graduates (213 undergraduate, 40 master’s, 4 doctoral) during CCI’s May 9, 2019 Commencement ceremony at Thompson Boling Arena. Summer graduates were also honored at the event.

Pinnacle Financial Partners Chairman Martha S. “Missy” Wallen (BA/CS ’73), a longtime member and former chair (2015-17) of the CCI Board of Visitors, delivered the commencement address in which she stressed the importance of fostering personal connections with others in an increasingly digital world.

Wallen said building relationships helped launch her career in the financial industry during a time when few women held leadership roles. Developing meaningful connections both in the workplace and outside of business helped her succeed in business, but more importantly, those friendships enriched her life.

“I realized that my true interest in human behavior had nothing to do with my getting ahead in business and everything to do with a sincere interest in people,” Wallen said. “Regardless of how people acted — brash and outgoing or shy and reserved — each needed to know one thing: that they mattered.  And mattered to whom?  Certainly not to their iPhone, Android, iPad, Siri or their Roomba! They wanted to know that they mattered to other people.”

Graduates and their families attended a reception in the Communication Building following the ceremony.

C&I doctoral graduate Jamie Greig was the student speaker at the UT Graduate Hooding Ceremony on May 9. Greig, a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, studied communication law and policy in the School of Journalism and Electronic Media. During his time at UT, he served as both senate chair and vice president of the UTK Graduate Student Senate.

In additional graduation news, read about the future plans of the top graduates from each of CCI’s schools and degree programs.