Advertising Research Productivity Ranked Fourth Nationally

The School of Advertising and Public Relations is tied for fourth nationally and eighth globally for advertising research productivity in a recent study published by the Journal of Business Research. 

The study examined visibility in journals articles on advertising from 2008-2019, primarily focused on the three prominent U.S.-based advertising journals (Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, and Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising) as well as advertising-focused research in communications, marketing, business, and broader interdisciplinary academic journals. 

The ranking supports the university administration’s priorities of increased visibility of campus research in top-tier journals and having more top-10 academic programs.  

“This is a special accomplishment for our program, especially given that have a relatively small number of advertising faculty members,” said professor Eric Haley, who has been a member of the advertising faculty since 1992. 

Haley was tied for 19th in a list comparing individual author productivity during the decade. Professor Mariea Hoy and associate professor Courtney Childers were both tied for 47th. 

The rapid changes in technology have fueled advertising research over the last decade, the study notes, as new digital methods such as social media platforms have emerged to reach audiences.