2020 ICA Conference – CCI Participants

The 70th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, originally scheduled to be held in Gold Coast, Australia, was held virtually May 20-27. A number of professors and students from the School of Advertising and Public Relations, the School of Communication Studies,  and the School of Journalism and Electronic Media participated. 

Discussion Moderators & Chairs

ADPR Interim Director & Professor Sally McMillan:

  • Chair: Virtual Reality: New Methods, Approaches, and Theories

JEM Assistant Professor Joy Jenkins:

  • Chair: How Journalists Use Social Media

ADPR Assistant Professor Matthew Pittman:

  • Chair: HIGH DENSITY: Messaging for Public Awareness and Social Change

CS Associate Professor Michelle Violanti:

  • Discussion Moderator: Blue Sky Professional Workshop: Teaching Philosophies and Portfolios
  • Chair: Instructional and Developmental Communication Division: Top Student Paper Panel; Instructional and Developmental Communication Business Meeting; Great Ideas for Teaching (GIFTS): A Sample of Innovative Teaching Practices 

Poster Presentations

JEM Associate Professor Amber Roessner: “Jimmy Carter’s 1976 DNC ‘Love-In’”

ADPR Assistant Professor Sifan Xu and PhD student Anna Kochigina: “Is Telling a Story Better? Effects of Narrative Engagement on CSR Skepticism”

Paper Presentations

JEM Assistant Professor Joy Jenkins and Lucas Graves (U of Wisconsin): “From Competition to Cooperation: Models for Collaboration in Local Journalism”

JEM Professor Barb Kaye and Chang Sup Park (U of Albany): “Applying News Values Theory to Liking, Commenting, and Sharing Mainstream News Articles on Facebook”

Doctoral student Anna Kochigina: “Together in Crisis: The Interplay of Organizations and Faith-Holders Crisis Communication.” 

Kochingina and ADPR Assistant Professor Sifan Xu: “Is Telling a Story Better? Effects of Narrative Engagement on CSR Skepticism”

ADPR Interim Director and Professor Sally McMillan: “Maturing with Digital Mobile Devices: A Qualitative Exploration of Lived Experiences of Digital Immigrants” 

ADPR Associate Professor Michael Palenchar with Oyvind Ihlen (U of Oslo), Margalit Toledano (U of Waikato), and Sine Norholm Just (Roskilde U): “Vaccine Hesitancy and Institutional Trust: Rhetorical Conditions and Content Strategies for Risk Communication about Public Health”

ADPR Assistant Professor Matthew Pittman with Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch and Ashley Brannan (U of Connecticut): “Under the (Social Media) Influence: Context of Green Advertising Appeals Mediates Effects on Purchase Intent and Attitude”

Pittman and Emil Steiner (Rowan University): “Distinguishing Feast-Watching from Cringe-Watching: Planned, Social, and Attentive Binge-Watching Predicts Increased Well-Being and Decreased Regret”

Xu and Associate Professor Moonhee Cho: “Threat and Consumer Behavior: Effects of Threat on Consumers’ Engagement with Corporate Social Responsibility”

Xu and Master’s student Shelby Luttman: “Networked Publics in #Nodapl Protests: Interactions Among Activist Publics and Influence of Locality and Proximity on Socially Mediated Networks”


University of Rhode Island Assistant Professor Ying Xiong (C&I PhD ’19) was awarded the ICA Public Relations Division’s 2020 James E. Grunig and Larissa A. Grunig Outstanding Dissertation Award for her dissertation, “A Public Relations Engagement Model: A Mixed Methods Approach to Networked Social Movements.”